Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome Home, John Forte


If we have one thing to thank George W. Bush for during his time as President, it's the commutation he granted rapper/producer John Forte in November, effectively releasing him from prison in December after a seven-year sentence. Forte, best known for his brilliant work with The Fugees in the 90s and two unheralded solo records (1998's Poly Sci and 2000's I, John,) was convicted on drug charges in 2000 and was sentenced to 14 years in a Pennsylvania prison. After his incarceration, celebrities and politicans (like Carly Simon (?!) and Sen. Orrin Hatch) actively campaigned on the behalf of Forte, believing that he didn't receive a fair trial. With the help of Hatch, Bush commuted Forte's prison sentence and the man has come home.

Immediately after getting released, Forte teamed up with Talib Kweli to record the appropriately-titled "Homecoming," which samples Kanye West's song of the same name. Forte wastes no time addressing his life in prison and his newfound freedom, and the accompanying video is a gritty, behind-the-scenes snapshot of his and Kweli's studio collaboration. Feels good to have you back, John. We missed you so much that we gave you an On The Blog Reel. Almost makes up for those seven years in prison, no? Video's after the jump.

"Homecoming" John Forte + Talib Kweli from The ICU on Vimeo.

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